Saturday 3 December 2011

Advent Calendar Day Three

'Ullo. I trust you've had a pleasant Saturday so far.

One good thing about Saturdays is that you're given a welcome break from today's advent window subject.

Day Three


In many ways, Nemi follows a long-held tradition of 3-panel newspaper strips, like Peanuts, Marmaduke, Fred Bassett and Garfield, in that it is totally and utterly bereft of humour. Translated into English from its Norwegian original, either something has been lost during the translation process, or its creator Lise Myhre really has no sense of humour at all. Whereas the horrible, horrible Peanuts occasionally will make it very clear what the punchline is supposed to be (albeit presented in a standard unfunny way), Nemi is completely impenetrable. Here's a couple of examples:



Honestly, this is supposed to be the second most popular comic strip in Norway? It's fucking horrible. It's almost as bad as the made-up texts and letters they print in the Metro saying how much they love it. It truly is a piss-poor abuse of the art form, taking up space that something entertaining could inhabit instead. I hate this strip so much, I got a job where I don't have to catch a bus. It was either that or gouging my eyes out with quartz.

Back tomorrow.

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