Sunday 7 April 2013

Class Wars: Askew Hope

Last week, the BBC released a revised class structure. They didn't feel that the current three-tier one defined people well enough, so their patronising 7-tier structure, based on things ranging from who you're friends with, what your hobbies are and how many people called 'Colin' you know was designed to neatly categorise the British Public like cattle.

The Tories aren't happy with this, and want it resimplified, so have devised their own multiple choice test to seperate the posh from the plebs. See how you do! Post in the comments your outcome.

And, taken from the pages of Young Tory Fun, here's something to start 'em young:

Speaking of bloated Tories, here's something I noticed recently about two of them...

And finally...

Take care, one and all. Don't let them beat us.