Wednesday 8 December 2010

Day 8: Cheeky Chipper Cockernee Wanker Day

Good day, all.

You know, sometimes a person will appear on TV that you just know you won't be able to avoid for years to come. The vile opportunists will crop up on any low budget, lowest common denominator shit going. Today, we open the Dystopian Advent Calendar's 8th window on one such annoyance.

Dominic Littlewood. The man annoys me for many reasons. It's his affected cheeky chappie persona that really fucking grates, for one thing. On a more personal level, a couple of years ago when I was working for HMV, he happened to be filming on the main street outside. That day, the amount of people coming in and actually fucking haggling over the price of  what they were paying for (from singles to consoles, even gift cards) was ludicrous. He was notably absent from this minor act of chaos, and god only knows how many other retailers had to put up with his nonsense that day. The man's a menace.

He used to be a used car salesman. Does anyone really trust this irritating slaphead? Those rumours of him being a former burglar just won't go away either (though many references to that have mysteriously vanished from the internet). 

The sooner he's off the telly, the better, though I get the feeling that won't be for some time. Fuck.

Anyway, back tomorrow for more.

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