Thursday 9 December 2010

Day 9...

Hello there.

Firstly, the announcement trailer for Transformers: Dark of the Moon has just been released online. Tonally, I love it. If Bay can avoid the dire, puerile slapstick this time around, then we may actually be in for an intriguing film...

Onto business, then. Let's open the 9th window of the calendar...

Kara Tointon.

You know, that one that used to be on EastEnders? The one that spoke each of her lines in a precise, monotone approximation of cockernee? The one that's been on that anachronistic dancing programme lately?

Just another fame-hungry drama school alumnus, she used to date that one from Busted that isn't the one you're thinking of. As soon as they split up, she dumped him as he wasn't famous any more, and therefore would not help her career. Despicable, and typical of the self-serving attitude that a lot of young 'stars' seem to have nowadays.

She's threatened that she would like to return to EastEnders one day. Christ, I hope not. When she's on screen, her face looks like she's sucking a lemon whilst an inconvenient quantum singularity forms up her nose, and so hungry for fame she eats three shredded Heats every morning. Weasel-faced starfucker Kara wants YOUR attention, so expect a flurry of mediocre reality show appearances before she tries to launch a singing career, tries desperately to get cast as Eliza Doolittle (the character, not the flavour-of-the-month NME fodder), and winds up back in monotocockernee mode on EastEnders again.

More tomorrow...

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