Monday 6 December 2010

Advent Calendar Day 6...

And a very good afternoon to you.

Time for another advent calendar window, then? Yes, let's do that.

In all honesty, I wouldn't have become overly aware of today's subject had it not been for Twitter. The great thing about Twitter is that people in public office are very capable of showing themselves as the self-serving liars they are (particularly if they throw slander and libel around on their blog which you can't comment on).

Ladies, gentlemen, other, I give you...

... Nadine Dorries MP. 


You may well ask. She's the Conservative MP for Mid Bedfordshire, and there's a long trail of lies, deceit and self-serving, self-promoting nonsense glistening behind her like a narcissistic slug.

Amongst her pearls of wisdom are that “Tridents are not weapons of mass destruction”. Her anti-abortion campaigning was based on incorrect information; she doesn't let a thing like cold, hard science and fact get in the way of a good bit of self-promotion on issues bigger than her. I don't follow her on Twitter, but I read enough about her and her childish games and slander. She, of course, is utterly blameless, maddeningly unable to admit wrongdoing. Just like most MPs, really. The worrying thing is that her constant media-hungry furore might one day get her a ministerial position. This is a woman who has been compared to Sarah Palin in the past, and recently praised said numpty on her vile blog.

Oh god, they let her on Question Time again this week...  She's a frigging lightweight, dancing around issues without providing a substantial answer, and comes across as clueless on here. Trying to avoid questions with double talk, she gets rightly torn apart. Very amusing amidst serious questions. She flatly refuses to accept responsibility for her party's decisions, tries to insert spin and rhetoric, and oh my word she's never ceases to amuse in her quest for self-promotion.

For more Dorries gems, click here, here, here and here. Oh, and watch this, which sums it all up nicely.

One of the highlights of her tawdry blog in recent months was that people claiming disability benefits should not be using social media. Read this for the full story. She was forced to admit that 70% of her blog was "fiction" during a sleaze investigation.

Well, perhaps it is. She is definitely 30% Michael Winner, either way.

Hopefully, we'll have a less vile person tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Even by normal Tory standards she is an arsewipe. Dim as fuck.
